In Memory of





Condolence From: Carla Schaub
Condolence: Norb was a great man,i would love to sit and listen to his stories.He was always happy and made the best out of everything, he always put a smile on my face.I will miss him,but now he is with John and his wife again and im sure he is making them smile.
Friday April 15, 2011
Condolence From: Scott Kaniecki
Condolence: I will remember Norbert from his summer weekend visits to Albion, always with John, he would come to visit his cousins, my Grandmother, Gertrude Kaniecki(Daniels) was always one of his stops, as a kid he seemed larger than life pulling in with his big cars. Over recent years we would see him unfortunately at funerals. He had the kindest things to say when my father and aunt had passed, even still writing a nice note to my mother this past Christmas season. He will certainly be missed.
Wednesday April 13, 2011